Wednesday, May 29, 2019

PHP Include And Require Statement !!

PHP Include And Require Statement !!
PHP Include And Require Statement !! In this article we will discuss about PHP Include And Require Method in brief. We can insert the content of one PHP file into another PHP file In PHP there are two ways to include file   Include  Require Include It...

PHP Functions !!

PHP Functions !!
PHP Functions !! In this article we will discuss about PHP functions in brief. PHP Functions A function is a block of some code which is designed to  perform particular task. Why Functions ? Increase the readability For code re-usability less code Types...

PHP Different Operators !!

PHP Different Operators !!
PHP Different Operators !! PHP Operators  Operators are used for perform different kinds of operation on values. We can do different operation using operators on different values. There are operators we can use in PHP Arithmetic Operators Logical...